Beyond the Codes
it's so much more important than minimum
These are the things that make our Founder + Dreamer, Kelsey, tick. Working with the Building Code is great and all, but it is really so much more important than what is currently codified. The Building Code evolves at a turtle’s pace, and the goal with this series is to start conversations on how as an industry we can do better.
We like to reach for the stars, and are not willing to wait for the rule book to change to do better.
We have a fundamental belief that if people knew how to do better, they most often would. But that currently seems impossible when figuring out the bare essentials is hard enough. A lot of people are going above minimum already. We’re finding them, and bringing their experience and brains into this community.
If you are also a star reacher, or know one, reach out.

Beyond the Codes | Relentless Optimism
We made it folks! Summer has officially arrived. Last week were lucky enough to experience the Solstice and the Strawberry Full Moon back to back.

Beyond The Codes | Find Your (Heritage) People
As I walked down the tunnel to board the plane back to Regina after being out in Ottawa three weeks ago at the National Trust

Beyond the Codes: Mental Illness, Soul Health, and The Quest for Better Buildings
Hi. I’m Kelsey….and I’m living with Bipolar Disorder…. The first time I sat in group therapy, I could barely get those words out. They came

Beyond the Codes: Aboriginal Storytelling Month
A few weeks ago, I sat down with Jake Sinclair to hear his story and how he came about to be the Chief Operating Officer

Beyond the Codes: What is Love
I love “love”. I love many people, activities, places and things. And I love to just be….which is why I have a problem with how

Beyond the Codes: Reconnecting with Me
It’s been a year. 2021 was a bit slow on the Kilo front, but pretty wild on the Kelsey front. I had a lot of

Beyond the Codes: Gender Equality Week
Last week was Gender Equality Week. As a woman in a male-dominated field (Architecture, Engineering and Construction – AEC), I wanted to take the time

Beyond The Codes: Technology and Innovation
I used to hate technology. I thought it was ruining our society…especially our children. I got/get cranky when things take long to load…and I don’t

Beyond The Codes: Throwaway Culture and the Construction Industry
Throwaway Culture is all around us, and the construction industry is no different. The hot talk these days is on sustainability, building green and passive

Beyond The Codes: Indigenous History Month
June is National Indigenous History Month, which is quite fitting it seems as Indigenous history has been surfacing in the last few months. What does

Beyond the Codes: It Takes a Village
It has been quite the year at Kilo Lima Code. Even pre-COVID, I had been spending a lot of time thinking ‘what do I want

Beyond the Codes: What’s Possible with Collaboration?
I’ve been thinking (a lot) lately. And I keep coming back to, “What could we actually accomplish if we worked together towards a common goal,
If any of these posts resonate with you, please do what you can to keep the conversation going and please share with those around you who would benefit from hearing the message too!