The Team
Who We Are
The Code is our life – we live, breathe, and eat it.
We have been the boots on the ground administering the Building and Fire Code, sat on various advisory boards and expert panels, instructed post-secondary architectural technology Building Code courses, led fire inspections where we observed the devastating effects when fire protection requirements are overlooked, and contributed to the development of the Building Code on national committees. We have worked alongside architects, engineers, owners, and interior designers across the country and supported them in achieving Building and Fire Code compliance.
It takes a village to support a village. As we’ve grown and changed, so has our team. Hang tight for some fresh faces. We’ll be introducing them over instagram over the upcoming weeks. Follow along!
Kelsey | Founder + Dreamer
Iffat | Social media lead
Jim | BUILDING + fire code lead
Jim has been in industry since 2002, and has seen buildings from cradle to grave. He knows the ins and outs of the Codes, and has a sixth sense on how to use tech to enhance the experience.