
Accessibility in Canada
Disability in Canada Stats Canada reports that 22% of Canadians, or 6.2 million people, have at least one disability. ( This means that if there

Is it REALLY temporary?
We’re finding ourselves asking this question a lot lately. How temporary is temporary? Perhaps it’s as a result of the current COVID-19 pandemic, or is

Safety of Maintenance Workers
Building code requirement are mainly occupancy based. Some basic examples are smoke alarms required to awake sleeping occupants (Group C) and panic door hardware for

Combustible Dust: Tiny Fuel, Big Threat
Combustible dust explosions or fires resulting from combustible dusts can be devastating events. The frequency of these events in North America and the destruction, injuries

What in the Unprotected Opening?
Spatial separation is a term used to describe a set of construction design principles that reduce the risk of the spread of fire from one

Editions Matter – Knowing your Referenced Standards
My previous post for the KiloLima community (here) was about Annual Life Safety System Inspection Reports and what elements to look for when reviewing them.

What Does the AHJ Want to See?
A common question that gets asked of a municipality is, “What do you want to see?” A municipality, or Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) is responsible

Passive Fire Protection Systems Don’t Get The Love They Deserve: Dampers Edition
Passive fire protection systems are an integral component of the overall fire safety systems in a building. And yet they are often forgotten about and

Fire Prevention for Rural and Remote Residents
No matter where you live, there is a lot you can do to increase the chance of the fire department having something valuable to save when it arrives.

Reviewing Products for Code Compliance
Before any product is installed in a building, it should be reviewed and approved by the registered professional of record (architect or engineer). Just about

Playing with Fire – Do you know Part 4?
Part 4 of the Fire Code applies to the storage, handling, processing, dispensing, and use of flammable and combustible liquids – in buildings, structures, and

Providing Assurance for Public Safety
As a former firefighter, Bill Copeland was familiar with how to handle himself in an emergency situation and, if necessary, save someone’s life. This was